Great Places to Learn More
Educators are always looking for new resources to support their work. If you have others you think should be added to the list, please let me know at onebigclassroom@gmail.com.

Pre-Referral Intervention Manual
Often called "PRIM" this is my go-to book when I need practical strategies I can use immediately in the classroom.
by Stephen B. McCarney

Teaching Exceptional Children and Adolescents
Full of useful information regarding typical and atypical situations that we may encounter, each case offers a great opportunity for reflection and conversation around inclusion
by Nancy L. Hutchinson
Literacy and Education
A engaging look at how the concept of literacy has evolved from simply a cognitive ability to read and write to multimodal social and cultural practice.
by James Paul Gee

Working with Multimodality: Rethinking Literacy in a Digital Age
A more prominent part of language education in the IB, Multimodality asks us to think past paper and pen.
by Jennifer Rowsell

Making Thinking Visible
If you have a chance to take one a course through Harvard Project Zero, don't hesitate! If you can't, buy the books anyway; there are many excellent resources inside.
by Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, and Karin Morrison

Visible Learners
Also through Harvard Project Zero, this book and course led to a whole shift at our school regarding how we document and share learning. Sound dry? It really isn't!

Lost at School
Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them
A new perspective on how to support students who are struggling with learning in the school environment.
by Ross W. Greene Ph.D.

Recommended by my husband, this book is a wonderful study in what it takes to really flourish and how we can support the effort around building a positive school culture.
by Martin E. P. Seligman

Smart But Scattered
The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential.
This title speaks for itself. Look on the Projects page for some resources created for parents.
by Peg Dawson, EdD, and Richard Guare, PhD.

More to Come
There are so many great books out there. I would love to hear what you recommend and what has inspired or challenged you.

This list has the potential to be endless.
Here are just some of the excellent resources out there.
beingtwice-exceptional.blogspot.hk authored by Helen Trethewey, an expert on dyslexia and a learning difficulties in general. I had the privilege of sitting in on one of her talks during a SENIA conference in Hong Kong in 2019. She's amazing. This blog is FULL of incredible information, resources, links and articles.
https://www.readingrockets.org/ Reading Rockets is full of articles, apps, and webcasts all supporting learning difficulties and teaching in general, with advice for teachers and parents.
http://www.ldonline.org/ LD online is a self-expressed "leading website on learning disabilities, learning disorders and differences" with a special focus on ADHD; http://www.ldonline.org/article/Modeling_with_Technology_in_Mathematics offers virtual math manipulatives.
https://miraclemathcoaching.com/math-aids-for-students-with-adhd-part-1/ Miracle Math Coaching is specifically for students with ADHD.
At BitIRA, you can find resources that support teaching Math and Computer Science to Kids with Special Needs https://www.bitira.com/crypto-stem-for-kids-with-special-needs/
www.explorelearning.com Gizmos is good on a smart board but requires a membership. It offers robot predictions, graphing, etc.
https://www.edutopia.org/article/effective-technology-use-math-class Edutopia is all about using Math tech effectively.
http://www.duckduckmoose.com/educational-iphone-itouch-apps-for-kids/moose-math/ Moose Math for younger students this offers short engaging math activities for those with limited attention span .
http://www.zonesofregulation.com/index.html Zones of Regulation for supporting mindfulness, self-regulation and emotional control.
These are also web-based but they deserve their own spot.
I love these little videos by Brené Brown on different social attitudes and actions that can support or thwart individuals. They are perfect for initiating conversations around inclusion.
This first one on empathy would be great for staff and students: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Evwgu369Jw
The second, on blame would be more appropriate for our colleagues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZWf2_2L2v8
Check out Shelley Moore for support when running working with staff or to introduce the topic of stigma or discrimination.
Have a look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtUlU8MjlY
Use her website https://fivemooreminutes.com/about/ to further the discussion.
Parent Support & Organizations
A new section, but an important one. These organizations aim to help parents and others who work with children with special needs.
www.birthinjurycenter.org This organization aims to provide families with resources, information on birth injuries including how to create "a comprehensive plan, including supportive measures for the entire family [to help] you provide your child with the best care and assistance.
https://www.cerebralpalsyguide.com/ This is a link to an organization that works to raise awareness and provide support for families who have been impacted by Cerebral Palsy.

Your Recommendations
These are resources you've given a gold star. Thank you for reaching out and sharing them with me.
This first recommendation comes from a young reader, Claire. She loves Science and felt this was a great resource. I love that she reached out and asked to share this resource with others. Who doesn't love a site that promotes learning and recycling. Thank you Claire!
Let me know if you feel that something needs to be added.